A Tale of Two Agents: Chapter Twenty-Six. God Save the King!
“Learn as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
While we’re still waiting for our Coronation invite, we’re nonetheless off to the London Book Fair in just over a week’s time and invite you to join us there too!
DropCap’s Lindsay and Allison enjoyed a local Minnesota lunch-and-learn invite to TCM/Free Spirit Publishing, one of our leading education publishers:
DropCap’s Lindsay Jones, Free Spirit Publisher Kyra Ostendorf, Allison, and Elina DeVos, Vice President of Trade and Consumer Sales at TCM.
Tom Rademacher (above with you-know-who) is Free Spirit's new teacher resources editor and will be launching a parenting list for TCM. A middle school English teacher for 15 years, he was honored as Minnesota’s Teacher of the Year in 2014. Look out for some fabulous new education titles!
It’s our pleasure to continue representing some kingly lists including these extremely topical titles from our new publisher client, Wolfram Media:
By Stephen Wolfram, award-winning scientist and bestselling author, and the creator of some of the world's most respected software systems—Mathematica.
Conrad Wolfram is cofounder and CEO of Wolfram Research Europe. Over the last 30 years he has been a key part of the technology transformation that has brought maths, computation and data science.
We will be heading to 🇬🇧 London.
Please join us in-person or virtually.
March Deal Highlights
Don’t Believe Everything You Think (Joseph Nguyen)
Discover21 + Tuttle-Mori Japan - Japanese
Heliopolis / Artemis Agency - Chinese Complex
Two Cherries (Magink Publishing House)
Éditions Perspective - French
You, Me and Empathy (Educate2Empower Publishing)
Gordon Hellas + Read n Right Agency - Greek
What is ChatGPT Doing and Why Does it Work? (Wolfram Media)
Posts & Telecom + CA Link Agency - Chinese Simplified
Pending licenses: German, Korean, Polish, and Vietnamese
The All-Weather Trader (Scribe Media)
China Youth Press + CA Link Agency - Chinese Simplified
Pan Rolling + Japan Uni - Japanese
Wisdomhouse + LENA Agency - Korean
The Pocket Guide to Product Launches (Scribe Media)
Alpha Books - Vietnamese